Feel stable and calm within seconds using diaphragm breathing

Anitha Vasudevan
2 min readJul 27, 2020
Credit : Greenfield on Picspree

Have you noticed how our body calms down after a bout of lone crying? You come to a state where, though you may not have the solution to the problem, your body has managed to bring you to a calmer, emptier space. This happens because the body automatically shifts to “the double inhale-single exhale” diaphragm breathing technique to protect us from the stress of an event (real or imagined).

According to neuroscience specialist Andrew Huberman, who is looking at how respiration and breathing can shift the body into different states, this technique is said to work in seconds. It works at a super speed because the diaphragm sends signals of breathing back to the brain through a nerve called the phrenic nerve. Well, so how is it different from any other nerve sending signals to the brain? The difference is that diaphragm is a skeletal muscle that was designed to be voluntarily moved. When the phrenic nerve sends signal, the brain perceives the message as ‘a voluntarily movement that has started’ which in turn makes it think that the body has started moving (even if you are not moving). Hence, when you breathe fast or slow from the diaphragm, in a rhythmic manner, the phrenic nerve triggers a signal to tell brain that the body is in movement and “everything is fine”. In no time, your body goes into calm state. Isn’t it great to know that the tools we need to control our state of my is already within us. We just need to know how to use it.

In my experience, this has helped me calm down in a few moments when my mind was chaotic, unorganised or stressed. The good news is you do not have to cry to reach this state.😉 All you have to do is :

  1. Consciously, using the diaphragm, takes two inhales from the nose
  2. One long exhale out the mouth
  3. Repeat a few times.

That is it. Try it now!


The goal of my posts is to share proven ideas and resources to experience Stability Inside to create greater Outcome Outside.

